Pauline White, married Leon Dixon 10 Apr 1943, daughter of Ausie & Lovia White
died 21 Oct 1995. Children are Joan, Jane, Larry, David, and Janet. This section is 1943 and after.
Pauline White and Leon Dixon married 10 Apr 1943
Leon Dixon as a young man
Pauline Dixon at the ocean
Pauline White Dixon with her aunt May Lane Wood
Pauline White Dixon
Pauline with baby Joan 1945
Pauline and Leon Dixon with baby Joan
Pauline and baby on a sidewalk.
Baby Larry Dixon (born 4 Feb 1947) pictured at the Wright home place, 5th and Walnut, Gadsden.
Pauline White Dixon with a new baby.
Leon Dixon at the beach
Pauline Sept. 1957 holding son David Lee Dixon.
Leon Dixon with friend Leon Brown Nov 1957
Leon Dixon on left
Pauline and Leon Dixon beside a car.
Pauline and Leon Dixon beside a car, closeup.
Pauline Dixon
Pauline Dixon at Tampa, Florida
Leon Dixon at Tampa, Florida
Pauline Dixon
Jim and Joan Beard aboard cruise ship c. 2004
Mary Jane Dixon (called Jane), in a 1967 school picture.
Larry Leon Dixon, 11th grade school photo
Terri Dixon, b. 1968, daughter of Larry and Sara Dixon
David Lee Dixon, b. 8 June 1957
David and Dawn Dixon with David Robinette "Robin" Dixon and McKenna Rose Dixon
David and Dawn Dixon with McKenna and Robin, Christmas 2000
McKenna Dixon, daughter of David Dixon
Robin Dixon, son of David Dixon
Columbiana Middle School Principal David Dixon 2002
Janet Alene Dixon, b. 24 May 1960, in a school photo
Janet Dixon Reeves with daughter Ashley and son Dylan
Ashley Reeves with cousin McKenna Dixon
Dawn Dixon with son Robin Dixon