Yancey White's South Carolina Family

Elizabeth Martin, Mother of Yancey White

Main tie-in: Eliz. Martin is mother of Yancey White.

Timeline Eliz Martin

Sales of Thomas Bryce estate. About her Bryce children.

Lewis Reeder estate if I can find a tie. Write up J. Reeder Cleveland as supplement. Here put in the link to the Cleveland 1899 genealogy. 

 Census reports.
1870 agricultural schedule

Trace connection to Lewis W. Reeder was probated 1858, Eliz Martin bought his share. 1 Mar 1856 G.W. Burns was adm. See my notes in spiral notebook.

Yancey White's daughter Jane White Burns of South Carolina

Jane White Burns photo.jpg.
Burns censuses and movements.

Elizabeth Martin's Estate.
George W. Burns, grandson and Administrator.

mortality report (supplemental RTF if HTML will not work well)

1881 administrator newspaper clipping pdf.

1881 deed heirs of martin PDF 3 p. and RTF supplemental.

Cemetery record, reprint FAG whole cemetery for Old Providence Church Cemetery.

Discussion: Thinking Through Elizabeth Martin (supplemental RTF if not HTML) Include here the census records on showing grandparent of who; Eli Cleveland and J. R. Reeder and his newspaper obituary.

Elizabeth Martin of South Carolina -- Mother of Yancey White
My 2017 correspondent was Jim Roache of  Burlington, New  Jersey, an Adams descendant of Jane White Burns. Mr. Roache (croache48@comcast.net) has done a line of research that shows Yancey White's mother was Elizabeth Martin (1789-1880). This writer has not found a hint of Elizabeth Martin's White husband or of a Martin second husband.  It may be that the conception of Yancey White was a premarital conception by a Mr. White not unlike Yancey, and that she in her late 20s and 30s married Mr. Martin. This scenario remains to be seen. We see evidence this Pickens and Oconee County woman remained close to her Bryce grandchildren

Elizabeth Martin Record
Elizabeth Martin is found on the 1850 US Census for Pickens County as head of household number 1035.  She was 60. She was born 1790 in SouthCarolina. She has real estate worth $250. Living in her household was Rheuben Brice, a male, age 14.  Yancey's first wife was  Rebecca Brice. Some claim Mahala White was an older sister of Yancey born 1804 and married Thomas Bryce born 1805.

1858 Jan 13. Elizabeth Martin in the  Pickens County Probate record of Lewis W. Reeder
Estate of Lewis W. Reeder. Probate Judge Office, Pickens, S.C. ...I, James H. Reeder of Pickens Dist. for the sum of $167.46 to me paid by Mrs. Elizabeth Martin  of the same Dist. have bargained, sold and assigned all my rights, title, and interest in the real estate of my brother Lewis W. Reeder decd. to be my full share due from the Commissioner in Equity in Oct. 1858 with interest. Dated 13 Jan 1858. Wit: J. G[ambrell] Bryce, A. F. Reeder. Signed: James H. Reeder. Pauline Young, Upper South Carolina, vol 1, p.261-262.

Jane White, first daughter of Yancey White

Jane White married George Washington Burns

In 1850 George W. Burns, age 28 (b. 1822) lived in Anderson County in the household of his father Joseph Burns. The Anderson County census of 1870 reveals a large family for George age 48 and Jane age 38: Elizabeth, Susan J., Nancy B., Mary F., Joseph Y, Thos. C., and Martha C., plus perhaps a parent and grandparent, Frances Burns, 52, and Margaret Burns, 78. The last listed were a young black couple, Charles and Berry Gains, 17 and 15. They had several children:

xxxx, married xxx Adams

Children of George W. and Jane Burns

A few items are easily discovered on familysearch.org: The death certificates of some of their children.

The death certificate of Susan Jane Burns
According to her death certificate, Susan Jane Burns was born 25 Aug 1853 and died 13 March 1921, both in Anderson County. She never married. Her father and mother were George W. Burns, born South Carolina, and Janie White b. South Carolina.

The death certificate of Lucy Burns Adams
shows her to be widowed, born 1873 in Anderson County and died 1 Sep 1945 in Seneca, Oconee County. She married J. M. Adams. Her father and mother were G. W. Burns and Jennie White, both born South Carolina. She was 72 and a housewife.

1921 death certificate of Susan Jane Burns
Death of Susan Jane Burns showing parents' names

-from "South Carolina Deaths, 1915-1965," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-DRF7-PN?cc=1417492&wc=M6YD-GTL%3A30410501 : 18 April 2016), 004177377 > image 493 of 1755; Department of Archives and History, State Records Center, Columbia.

Lucy Burns Adams death certificate 1945
Death Certificate of Lucy Burns Adams showing parents' names

Death certificates (South Carolina) Death certificates, no.4295-15989 (1945) familysearch.org

Attribution notes: Pauline Young, Upper South Carolina, vol 1, and vol 2 are short for:
"A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records" published by Southern Historical Press, 1979 and 1981, collected by Pauline Young, ed. by James E. Wooley.

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last updated 9 April 2019